Team Leadership Coordinators
Each Campus is led by a Site Director and supported by Assistant Camp Coordinators, a Staff Coordinator, HQ Coordinator, and a Teen Program Coordinator.
Under the guidance of the Executive Director and Site Directors, the Leadership Coordinators support their campus operational team and infuse magic into the camp experience.
These positions are competitive and intended for highly experienced educators and youth development professionals with strong leadership capacity.

Team Leadership Coordinators

The Camp Director must be:
An empathetic leader
A problem-solver
Quick thinker
Forward thinking
High attention to detail
Calm and collected in an emergency
Energetic and motivating
Emotionally intelligent
Very organized
at least 23 years of age
A team player!
Camp Director
The Camp Director is the leader of the TLC team and responsible for overseeing camp flow, under the guidance and supervision of the Site Director. The Camp Director supports TLC coordinators, delegating and problem-solving throughout the day. The Camp Director is responsible for overseeing the planning, preparation and follow- through of every aspect of camp, delegating to appropriate support staff as needed.
The Camp Director must have experience leading a team, keeping track of small details and overseeing several projects at once. Each campus has at least one Assistant Camp Coordinator (ACC) who supports with the big camp activities such as Funky FriYAY planning, as well as camper support, so that the Camp Director can stay available to oversee the big picture.
It’s imperative the Camp Director be adept at forward thinking, always looking ahead to the next camp session (instead of planning for the immediate), and yet also able to be flexible and adapt plans on the fly that are still aligned with the camp protocols and mission.
At the heart of it all, the Camp Director will be modeling camp culture in everything they do- infusing camp magic, silliness, thoughtfulness, and joy into interactions with families, campers, and staff.
The Camp Director should have prior experience supervising adults and years of teaching experience. Prior camp experience is preferred. The right candidate will be looking to work at Wildfolk for at least 3 summers.
All of our Leadership Team roles have specific tasks and responsibilities, but there are a few common TLC traits we are looking for across the board:
coaching leadership skills
mindful communication skills
respectful behavioral management
intentional time management
guru of patience
flexibility champ
commitment to joy + silliness
leads with their heart
Main Responsibilities:
Under the guidance of Executive Director and Site Director, provide overall camp oversight, ensuring operations meet mission statement
Proactive safety management- regular rotations throughout the camp day to scan for preventative measures with facility, staff, and campers
Foster a camp culture of fun, whimsy, connection, community, and magical moments for campers and staff
Directly supervise and coach small Leadership Team (TLC), ensuring they meet their role’s goals and objectives (and step-in to complete tasks when needed)
Consistent and proactive communication with Site Director of going-ons at camp (families, staff, and campers)
Observe and Coach Camp Guides, both formally and informally, providing modeling and feedback to improve Team Time, Electives, and Group Management skills
Manage Staff Professionalism, enacting Radical candor and boundary holding in regards to professionalism (tardies, absences, not meeting expectations, etc)
Maintain flexibility, critical thinking, and good judgment when assessing the day’s to-dos, delegating and shuffling to re-prioritize as needed
Proactive, Warm, and Courteous Family Relations, instilling trust, modeling “above and beyond” expectations, and confidence that our staff “see” their kid
During HQ Coordinator and Site Director breaks, may need to oversee Camp Office for periods of time (answering camp phone and emails)
*this is not inclusive of all responsibilities. There are a number of other tasks under some of these topic umbrelles (such as specific tasks that other TLC members are responsible for, that you will oversee), but this will be outlined in more detail during training.
Camp Director regular hours are 7:30am-3:45pm.
Mondays: 7:00am- 3:30pm
Select Staff After-Camp Meetings: 7:30am- 4:00pm
Minimal additional pre-camp meetings to prepare for Staff Training and TLC training
Starting at $25/hour