Go Ahead... Fail
Giving children space to fall, fail, and learn on their own. One of the most important things we can give our children is permission to...
Project-Based Learning & the Cardboard Creativity Movement
(This video & more info about Caine's Aracade available at www.cainesarcade.com) Some years ago, in my Social Work days, I was introduced...
How to Make Magic Happen (at Camp & in Life)
Maybe it's the "Luck of the Irish" that inspried me today, but I've been thinking a lot about MAGIC. St. Patrick's Day was always a...
5 Reasons "Traditional" Day Camp is Makin' a Comeback
To start, when I say "traditional" day camp, I am referring to a camp that offers a variety of camp activities, including art, crafts,...
Adults Are Chicken
On occasion I find myself having playdates with a very precocious 7-year-old. Last week was one of those special times, and I got to take...