Welcome to the Wildfolk Tribe!
Hello! Howdy! Hiya! WELCOME!
We are so delighted to start out our brand spankin’ new Wildfolk Blog!
My name is Cassie, though 'round here I'm known as "Goldie Fox" and I am the Owner & Director or Camp Wildfolk.
Camp Wildfolk is a fun & modern twist on traditional day camp, with a growth-centered & project-based approach!
We are coming to Los Angeles in Summer 2016 and we can.not.wait!
The Wildfolk Blog will evolve during the course of the year…
During non-Camp months, check-back for thoughtful articles on modern education, nurturing respectful relationships with children, implementing project-based learning into your life, growth mindset development, and so, so much more!
During the Summer, we’ll have the inside scoop on all the cool camp haps!
I’m also going to DARE GREATLY, and maybe even share a bit about me- as a Camp Director, leader, educator, social worker, mentor, and even just as a human being...
-- Can Ya Dig?!? --
I'm so looking forward to getting to know all the awesome Los Angeles families out there & Welcome y'all to the Wildfolk Tribe!

Be YOU out there,
Goldie Fox